TK- 002 Smart Kiwi - Bluetooth Tracker (Part I)


(For a primer on Bluetooth technology and the Internet of Things, check out my last post, Smart Kiwi - NFC Brainstorming)

Some of the most common correspondence we receive are from people who have lost their Kiwi at school, in an art gallery, or simply just buried someplace at home.  It got us thinking, why couldn’t we make Kiwi smart?  We’ve got a chassis that can hold it and the tools tools and know-how to make it possible! 

As a proof of concept, we decided to install a Tile® Tracker first. It’s a tried-and-true great product, and of course, we wanted to start with something that we know will work.  Cam had an old one at home, so we took it apart and, replaced the battery and made few structural modifications. 

What Does a Tile Tracker do?

The Tile Tracker is both incredibly simple yet its usefulness is undeniable. I found this very useful gif by Isabel Drukker that explains it’s utility quite simply:


The Tile is essentially a low-voltage bluetooth device that enables everyday objects to interact with your phone




Adapting our Design

The first step was to figure out how to fit the hardware into the handle. By scanning the hardware on a flatbed scanner, we got the exact plan dimensions, then all we had to do is measure depths. From there, a little modeling in Rhino made it easy to to figure out the optimal orientation. Conveniently, all the parts seemed to almost fit perfectly into a Kiwi!


And there you have it, A Kiwi Ready to get smart!


Accommodating the Hardware

With the battery replaced, the Tile worked as good as new! With a little soldering, we were able to reorient the Tile to fit the dimensions we had determined.

Up to now, we’ve got a working tile built to fit, and we’ve proven that it all fits nicely inside! Next up, a second iteration of the Kiwi that ensures everything fits. Check back soon to see how it goes!

In the meantime, we’ve also been testing it in the Kiwi Carrier. Check it here

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